“What is important is not only an ability to perform this or that particular skill, but to engender the habit of skill development that derives from a continuous and mentored educational process.” 
-Eugene C. Corbett, Jr., MD  
School of Medicine at the University of Virginia  

While it is unreasonable to expect to perform complex procedures as a medical student, there is great value in early exposure to clinical experiences. Students should be regularly active in clinical work that is compatible with their skill level. To facilitate the development of clinical skills without increasing the risk of treating real patients, many institutions have adopted simulation centers where students have the opportunity to practice their skills in real life scenarios without the chance of making a life threatening mistake. Advancing technology has dramatically improved these clinical skill centers. With these centers and with more feedback from clinical teachers it is easier to make the transition from learning clinical skills to putting them into practice while also enhancing student experiences and patient safety. There is a gradual increase in exposure to patients throughout one’s medical education; if this process begins earlier even with a smaller step, it is likely that clinical skills will be better developed and that students will reach their clinical potential.